Battle for azeroth vengance tanking
Battle for azeroth vengance tanking

battle for azeroth vengance tanking battle for azeroth vengance tanking

It's good as a proactive skill to use before a big boss hit, it's good to use as a mitigation tool when you're about to take a bunch of damage from a double or triple pull into Mythic Plus, and it's good to use as a reactive defensive cooldown if your health suddenly drops low. It gives you a massive boost to health and armor, so it's useful for basically any defensive purpose. Metamorphosis is your big defensive cooldown.

battle for azeroth vengance tanking

It's good in raids with predictable boss damage hits, it's good in Mythic Plus for mini bosses or the actual bosses in Mythic Plus, but it's not usually very useful in AOE, and that's fine because your base rotation gives you so much damage mitigation and defensive value by default. Basically, think of Fiery Brand as a big single-target shield wall. So I think generally that the right side of the tree Talent setup that gets those powers just isn't that competitive. But the main thing here is that Consume Magic, being able to purge off magic buffs off of enemies, being able to CC enemies, this is just a very good utility to have in a Mythic Plus group. Getting more crit chance on Aura of Pain is good, and it does synergize with Volatile Flameblood over here in the right tree to give you a little bit more Fury, which is good. It picks up and improves Disrupt, having more range on your interrupt is very nice. You need them for pathing further down the tree. So, in the left side tree for Mythic Plus, you want to pick up some of these optional talents like Imprison and Consume Magic. Basically, you drop some utility for a little bit more throughput. And then for large scale AOE and raid, I have one that's very similar to the Mythic Plus setup, it just has a couple of tiny little tweaks. I have technically three talent setups, but really one is a Mythic Plus one, one's a raid one that'll be most of the time that'll be what you use in raid. All right, so now I'm looking at the Demon Hunter talent setup here, and I do have the Mythic Plus talent setup pulled up first.

Battle for azeroth vengance tanking