Diablo 3 reaper of souls xbox 360 download
Diablo 3 reaper of souls xbox 360 download

Knowing it is too dangerous to leave in the hands of mortals or angels, he and six Horadrim take the Black Soulstone back to Sanctuary and attempt to seal it away where it can never be found - deep in the tomb of Rakkis, the first King of Westmarch, the kingdom established to the west of Khanduras. If you have’t played the action-RPG yet, you ought to give it a go, as not only is it a quality game, but it’s even being supported with fresh in-game events up to this day.After Diablo is defeated by the Nephalem (the player character), Tyrael recovers the Black Soulstone that contains the essence of all seven of the Great Evils. Upon checking the official Xbox, and Diablo Twitter accounts, there’s no mention of any promotion at all, which means players will need to scoop it up while they still can. Lay waste to hordes of evil throughout all five acts of the Diablo III storyline, or explore the open world in Adventure Mode to hunt bounties on the elder evils that lurk throughout the mortal realms.

diablo 3 reaper of souls xbox 360 download

Play solo or form a party of up to four other heroes, either with local players together on the same screen or online.

diablo 3 reaper of souls xbox 360 download

Rise as one of humanity’s last defenders – crusader, barbarian, witch doctor, demon hunter, monk, or wizard – and collect legendary loot while mastering devastating new powers and abilities.

diablo 3 reaper of souls xbox 360 download

This Ultimate Evil Edition contains both Diablo III and the Reaper of Souls expansion set, together in one definitive volume.

Diablo 3 reaper of souls xbox 360 download